Lucky finds - Trickster makes this world (2022)

Trickster is a figure from mythology and appears as different characters in the mythology of many countries; a prankster and a disrupter, an over-turner of the order of things to strike a new better way of being. Trickster like figures appears when needed, when the world needs to adjust and re- set. Trickster sets us ruses (riddles) to make us question things, to look at things another way and to help us recognise when change is needed.

The Ealing branch of London Independent Photography’s 2022 exhibition was in response to some of the ruses posed in the book TRICKSTER Makes This World by Lewis Hyde. My work for this exhibition explores idea of ‘lucky finds’, of accidentally coming across a game-changer whether it is discovering a lost treasure, abstract notions that cause one to rethink what one sees, or political ideas that have changed the world we live in.